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Therefore, it is advisable that you make the necessary king of safety arrangements inside the shower. Also if there are inmates in your family with immobility and visual impairment, safe showers are a must. There are a few easy and cost effective ways in which you can remodel your shower into a safer one. In making accessible home modification, making the bathroom safe and accessible by a handicap wheelchair are a must arrangements that you can think of depending on your needs. Also, it is important to act in a prudential manner while redesigning your shower so that you do not land up on emergency needs later. Making a safe shower especially to suit the needs of physically challenged people is a matter of real challenge involving several tricky aspects. However, with the assistance of expert professionals you can do a great job in this regard. Often if the doorway is very narrow that shall not permit the entry of wheelchair, then you must think of replacing it with a wider one. There should also be enough space to turn the wheelchair around inside the shower and the toilet might prove to be too low. You need to make some necessary modifications in these lines to see that the usability of the shower by physically challenged is rendered easy and convenient. If the toilet is very close to the doorway in a narrow shower, then it might pose a problem for entry with wheel chair. In this case, you may think of reversing the plumbing and moving the toilet to the new position. You may use a toilet elevator to raise it a little above its original position to suit easy sideways transfers. It can also make it easier for people using the wheel chair to get on and off the toilet easily. For small spaces, the ideal arrangement is a roll-in two-wall shower. If you can go for reinforced backing of the toilet unit, then it shall allow the fitting of grab bars at a convenient position. One good advantage with fibreglass showers is that they do not feature any grout that curbs mold and therefore, it is easy to clean them. It is also a good idea to go for weighted shower curtains and collapsible water retainer along the threshold of the shower floor to ensure the shower floor is maintained dry. While the wheelchair moves over the water retainer, the water retainer collapses down permitting the movement and then once again pops up back into position. These arrangements are easy to install as well as have added functionality. You can go for grab bars and install them in the places you deem appropriate. You will find installing hand-held shower hose and anti-scald devices highly useful. From start to finish, entrusting the task of shower remodelling to a competent and well experienced company is a good idea so that you save a lot of money in the process while achieving the desired output. Designing a safe shower is after all the job of professionals and you need to take their assistance for sure.