United States Declares War! Obama Gets Re Elected!

How would you like to see a headline like ‘United States Declares War?’ You could, you know, the way things are going.

It is a fact that once the United States goes to war the president is always re-elected. Heck, why bother campaigning when you can just go to war? Right?

So let’s just ignore the fact, for now, that Congress is in charge of declaring war, and consider what has been happening in the news.

The president gets us out of Iraq, which gets people happy about him coming through on his campaign promises. On this point he’s sort of damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t. Yes, he got us out of the war, but it may have been premature, and the war in Iraq may start up again, or, at the least, all the good we’ve done over there will be wiped out by crazy Jihadists.


The president takes credit for special warfare operations like the killing of Bin Laden, the rescue of hostages in Somalia. Now, he is taking credit for the actions of highly trained people, even as he cuts spending to the military at large. Uses them, even as he abuses them.

And, last but not least, the Iranians are threatening war on the world. They are building nukes, threatening to strangle the world’s oil by closing the Straits of Hormuz, and generally rattling the sabers.

So, if the special operations don’t enhance Mr. Obama’s chances for re-election, he could just declare war on Iran.

I have come across predictions from knowledgable people who claim that the United States will declare war in September of this year, once month before the election for the presidency of the United States takes place.

Which brings us back to a very important fact: who the heck is supposed to declare war around here?

For some reason congress accepts the president declaring war, and then explaining after the fact. Actually, this could be termed treason, and, actually, for both parties.

The congress has forsaken their duties, handed them over to the president. The president just ignores the constitution and does what he wishes.

So, do you think you will see the United States declare war at least in action if not by congressional declaration, by September?

Perhaps you should start writing to Washington right now and protesting what is about to happen.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/news-society-articles/politics-news-articles/united-states-declares-war-obama-gets-re-elected-802491.html

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Time to stop cutting class and drop by The Daily Neutron. thedailyneutron.comAuthor: Al Case